An audio cassette + book, is released on December 11th 2020, by Qarin Wikström on ILK. 
This is a result of a collaboration QW has had with fellow musician/sound artist Herman Müntzing and visual artist Jan Oksbøl Callesen.

Herman Müntzing – electronics, machines, keys
Qarin Wikström – electronics, keys, voice

Listen to the music while shifting the pictures according to the audio instructions, and you will get an idea of having the physical book in your hands.

Download press kit here

The vision was to create an audio–visual experience in a physical form, that in format resembles the read along story books one might remember from childhood; a story recorded on a cassette, a specific sound that guides you when to turn the page in a book with pictures and text. Thus, this is not a children’s story book, but an audio/book release for an unspecified age group with curiosity towards sounds and images of an open and abstract character. The music is based on free improvisation, using analogue electronics and experimenting sound manipulations. 

The title PING PONG PUNKTUM, is referring to the applied working method; in every aspect a ping-pong exchanging of ideas and interpretations of artistic statements between the three. Together, they investigated processes of interpreting and translating sound content into visual content, and optical input into auditory output, by utilizing one another’s mediums and vocabularies as vehicles of conversion. 

 Created as it is, in times of global pandemic, unstable political circumstances and severe climate crises, both audio and visuals bears witness of darkness and despair, but nevertheless there are inserts of hope and otherworldly Dadaistic everyday energy, in the midst of disillusion.